Day 7: What Is The Hardest Thing You’ve Ever Had To Experience

I’ve read quite a few people’s answers to this question and the majority of them center around a dark theme whether it be the loss of a loved one, financial hardship, getting laid off, etc. However, I want to stray from that and focus on a happy topic that was difficult.

Love is hard.

If you’ve never been in a serious relationship before, or even fallen in love, it’s a big change. It’s not to say that loving the person is hard, but the lifestyle adjustment you must make is completely new. 


Let’s face it, when you’re single, you’re selfish. Don’t even try to deny it. You go out whenever and wherever you want with whomever you want. You can do what you want when you want because you don’t have to take into consideration your significant other. 

Yes, it sounds harsh, but you know it’s true.

When you’re in a relationship you have to consistently put in effort and time into nurturing the bond you two have in order for it to progress. You have to be conscious of the other’s likes, dislikes, and feelings. You have to learn to become a “we” instead of a “me.” 

It is a beautiful experience. Challenging at times, but beautiful and rewarding.

Day 4: Describe Your Relationship With Your Parents



Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12

My Dad and I don’t exactly have the strongest relationship. We butt heads quite a bit. He’s very hard-headed and stubborn. He’s sarcastic yet very quiet. It’s unfortunate for the both of us, as he is the only Dad I’m ever going to have. We’re just…complete strangers who live together. My Mother tries and tries to make up the difference. She does very well at filling the gaps but it’s just not the same as being Daddy’s Little Girl. I only hope and pray that my future husband will be able to fill the void I’ve been left with and do for my children what my Dad didn’t.


My Mother is my role model. She is the woman I aspire to be like as I progress through life. She is someone who constantly gives without selfish expectations. She, like many mothers, constantly puts her children and their needs light-years ahead of her own. She’s the woman who taught me to respect without judgement, to love unconditionally, and to always strive to do my best. She gave me my great work ethic and my love of sci-fi movies (the ones with the big, mutant bugs and animals). She taught me to love others and treat them as I’d like to be treated. She held me when I cried, calmed me when I was angry, and congratulated me when I succeeded. She sat front row in every basketball game throughout my 10 years playing and coaching. You could always hear her voice above everyone else’s, “Body check ’em Sara!” She is a wonderful woman. She’s done so much for me and the only way I can ever dream of repaying her is to grow into the woman she’s taught me to be.

Day 3: Fears

First off, I don’t agree with this. Why do you have to include the word “legitimate?” My fear of spiders is no less legitimate than your fear of clowns.

Anyways, fears…where to start.


Spiders. I don’t care if you need a magnifying glass to see it or it’s straight out of “Eight Legged Freaks,” a spider is a spider and I do not like them. My most classic go to answer for “why don’t you like spiders, Sara?” has to be from a few years ago. I was home alone watching TV and writing a paper on my laptop. Above the other end of the couch was a skylight. Out of the corner of my eye I saw (what I assumed to be) a white fuzzy coming down from the skylight. To my horror, it was in fact an all white spider that could probably have fit in the palm of my hand. I got up so fast, hurled my laptop (who cares? My safety is at risk!) and began screaming like a little girl.

I ended up running into the garage in search of a weapon and grabbed the first thing I saw: a sledgehammer. On the way back through the laundry room I grabbed a bottle of Febreze. When I got to the living room again, the spider was gone. Then I noticed that our carpet was entirely white. Great. At this point I’m debating where I’m going to move to because I know I’m not going to stay in the house if there is a gigantic white killer spider on the loose.

It just so happens my neighbor was out in his backyard. I called him over and he spent the next 45 minutes searching for it with me. Every so often he’d scream, “THERE IT IS!” and I’d run and jump on the kitchen counter or run out the backdoor. What a sick sense of humor. About an hour later we finally found it: on the door frame of the backdoor. A few shots of Febreze and problem solved.


Storm Drains. Okay, don’t laugh. Be with me on this. You walk through the parking lot and there are those big grates in the middle of the road. Since I was a little kid, I promise you, I have not stepped on one. I’m terrified that it’s not bolted in properly and it’s going to come crashing down with me and I’ll fall into some dark abyss with all the icky things and never be heard from again. Furthermore, if I’m walking near the grate and I have something in my hands (keys, phone, etc.) I will tighten my grip or hold the item out in the hand away from the grate. My irrational fear is that my keys are just going to come flying out of my hands and be swallowed up by the drain.


Elevators. This one is HUGE. If I have to go up 7 stories and there is a choice between and elevator and a stairwell… I will pick the stairwell every time. I fear that the elevator will get stuck and I will be in a little box waiting and suffocating until help arrives. I fear that the elevator will malfunction and fall. I fear that the person on the elevator will attack me (I can’t get on if it’s just me and a man). The few times I do get in an elevator I think of every possible way to get out. I will be hyperventilating and practically in tears even if it’s just one floor. The cause? Movies. I watch WAY too many movies. The earliest one I can remember that aided this fear was Speed.

There you go! Those are my fears, what are you most afraid of? Sound off in the comments below!

Day 2: Discuss Your Current Relationship

Today’s topic on my 30 Day Blog Challenge is entitled: Discuss Your Current Relationship. It’s a topic that I’m excited to write about but nervous at the same time. Why? Because there’s just so much I could say.

But let’s start at the beginning.

I met my beau on December 22, 2011. I was his brother, M’s, close friend. M brought me home to meet his family at a baseball game they were going to play at the local park. We went to M’s house to go and grab the bats and that’s when Abraham walked downstairs.

Initial reaction? Holy crap. This guy is cuuuuuuute! 

I’d never met or seen Abraham before, I’d only heard stories. Anyways, we went to play baseball and he was very funny. He was pitching and I could tell he was showing off for me a lot. I’d never played baseball before so I was trying really hard not to screw up and embarrass myself.

After the game we all sat around eating pizza. When I got home that night I had butterflies and all that girly mushy stuff. Even though nothing happened between us aside from joking around I was all giddy on the drive home.

That night, Abe found me on Facebook. We spent from 11pm to 5am IMing. We played the “question game” and got to know each other. He was amazing.

Over the course of the next few days we talked more and more. However, M started getting upset. He didn’t want me and Abe hanging out. There was a whole love triangle drama that ensued where M was basically forbidding Abraham and I from even speaking to each other. M basically asked me to choose between him and Abraham the third day after we met.

Now, I’d known M for about a month or so before this happened. I really cared about him. He was a great friend and someone I really enjoyed talking to. However, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I wouldn’t see Abraham.

Meeting Abraham, it was like a truck hit me. He took me completely by surprise. He was everything I’d been looking for. I knew I’d be with him long term three days after meeting him. Call me crazy if you want, but I knew.

Anyway, Abraham flat out refused to stop talking to me and we continued to talk. Things cooled down after a few weeks and M slowly became to be okay with it.

(Side note: M and I are now on really good terms. He’s become like my family at this point. All is forgiven, no need to worry!)

Abraham and I were inseparable. We’d spend the whole day just talking with each other. We never ran out of things to talk about. About a month after meeting, we said our first I love you.

That was a year and a half ago. Since then we’ve had our ups and downs. I’m not going to say it has always been perfect, there have been arguments. But luckily Abraham is the type of man who really values communication. He will do anything to make things right. He never fails to take care of me and be there for me when I need someone to talk to or just cuddle with. We’ve been through quite a bit in our year and a half. Deaths of loved ones, a serious hospitalization, and some rather tough challenges God has thrown our way.

Abraham is constantly surprising me. Seeing him grow into the man God wants him to be and be able to share that journey with him is a blessing. He may frustrate me sometimes but there is honestly nothing I would change about him. He is everything I ever wanted and everything I never knew I needed. He’s helped me to grow closer with God and made me a better person.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!

Day 1: List 20 Random Facts About Yourself

1. I am a child of God.

2. My favorite color is purple, but I don’t discriminate: I like blue, green, red, orange, and yellow too!

3. I will travel the world someday. I want to learn from people of different cultures. I want to visit places that haven’t been tainted by modern practices.


4. I hate painting my nails with a burning, fiery passion but my nails are always painted. C’mon, who in their right mind enjoys spending so much time carefully painting their nails just to accidentally touch the wet paint or chip it on a door 45 minutes later?

5. I am studying medicine.

6. I’ve been in love with and dating my best friend since January 2012.

7. Every year since I was 12 I’ve been volunteering on my birthday.

8. Spiderman kisses aren’t as awesome as Spiderman and Mary Jane made them out to be.

9. I can eat peanut butter with a spoon straight out of the jar.

10. Since I was a little kid I’ve had a VERY strong maternal instinct. Kids are awesome. But I don’t want any until I’m married.

11. Giraffes are awesome. Did you know that zoos actually let you FEED THEM?


12. I absolutely detest the following: YOLO, swag, swerve, and LOL. C’mon people.

13. Ice cream has to be the greatest comfort food ever made.

14. I love school. Really.

15. I hate ants. So much.

16. I am a VERY organized person.

17. I will never get tired of ham and cheese sandwiches.

18. I’ve never done drugs or drank alcohol in my life.

19. I have had a mild obsession with Chinese food lately.

20. If I wasn’t studying medicine, I’d be studying criminal justice.

The 30 Day Blog Challenge

Drum roll please!

I’ve decided (along with my other posts) to begin a 30 day blog challenge. I encourage you to participate too! It’ll be much easier to complete this if I am being held accountable by fellow challengers! Post a comment in any of my posts related to the challenge if you are participating so I can follow your journey!
