Day 6: List 5 Things That Make You Happy Right Now


1. God. In recent weeks I have taken great leaps towards my relationship with God. In the past few months I have become closer to Him than ever. I feel a change within me. Something amazing is going on and I couldn’t be happier. This change is influencing every aspect of my life for the better. It’s bettering me, my personality, my choices, and my relationships.

2. Abraham. This actually goes along with #1. Growing closer with God has helped Abraham and I grow closer too. It’s incredible to see the change that has not only occurred in us as individuals, but us as a couple. Now, arguments are rare, conversations are longer, and trust is deeper. By no means did we have an awful or even bad relationship before, it was actually quite beautiful. This change has just strengthened that beauty.


3. School. I’m exhausted. I spend all of my time studying and going to school. I feel like my brain is going to explode. I couldn’t possibly cram any more information in and yet I do. I keep at it. The hard work is paying off. I took Anatomy 1 in 6 weeks and didn’t get lower than a 94% on any test or exam. When grades officially come out I will be doing the happy dance. I don’t mean to brag, I’m just really really really proud of the effort I put into this class and the product of it all.

4. This blog. When I started this blog, I didn’t think that I would stick to it. I didn’t think I would find my passion for writing again. But here it is, I’ve found it. I find myself randomly inspired to write new posts. I’m excited that this website is growing the way it is. I enjoy being able to share my thoughts and not feel pressured to rewrite in fear of judgement. It’s a very freeing and very therapeutic experience.


5. Life. Life is so wonderful. I’m learning to be thankful for every little thing I’ve got and not be so easily upset. There are so many things to be happy about. I’m thankful for the fact that I am healthy and that my loved ones are healthy. I’m thankful for the ability to go to school and have the resources available to me to be able to excel. I’m thankful for the privilege of being able to express my love of God and not be silenced. I’m thankful for the relationships I have and the people I’ve met who have influenced me. I’m thankful that I was woken up this morning and given the chance to have yet another day to experience life.

That is by no means the only things that make me happy, it’s just a shortened list. What makes you happy today? What are you thankful for?

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