We Are All Called

I was looking at some of my followers’ blogs. I came across The Happy Guide. There was a post they did regarding an inspirational video that was circulating. In it, two young men (who are on YouTube usually to prank people) decided they would take it upon themselves to go out and by food and water and gather up old clothes they didn’t need to give to the homeless.

In the video you will see them handing out food, water, and clothes to perfect strangers. The best part of the it has to be the respect that is shown and the selfless love they exhibited. The smiles they are given has to be better than any material reward possible.


What do you guys think? Would you (or have you) done anything like this? I challenge you all to do three random, selfless acts of kindness to perfect strangers this week. Make someone smile. You never know what it could mean to them!